What is a demerit?
A demerit is a system where, at RBMS, you get a chance to be rewarded for doing the right thing! You will get rewarded for having your materials, putting in effort, having good behavior, not being tardy, and respecting the rule of no gum or candy in school.
How does the system work?
The teachers post a spread sheet in the hall, with every students' name on your team in grade 6. If you get a demerit, the teacher that gave it to you will take their specific color pen, and write the letter that tells you what it was for. If you have less than 5 by Wednesday, (on Dreamweavers) you get a reward! If you have less than 5 by Thursday, (Blue Angels) than you get a reward too!
What is the reward?
The reward is a fun day during an assigned time. Dreamweavers has Terrific Thursday. Blue Angels has Fun Friday. You will get to play in the gym, do something fun in the library, or if it is nice, your teachers might take you outside!
What is this for?
It is to help the kids who might need some reminders to improve their behavior. It is also to reward kids who have gotten on track. I hope we will see more kids wanting to improve, because with some determination they can achieve those daily goals!
What do you get a demerit for?
•Missing Materials (M)
•Lack of Effort (E)
•Gum or Candy (G)
•Behavior (B)
•Tardy or Absent (T)
•At Locker without Permission (L)