Wednesday, December 17, 2014

All About Jeb By Kristin


You might see Jeb in a blockbuster movie in 2035. Jeb wants to be a movie actor and a play actor. When he becomes an actor, he wants to live in New York City. He would like to perform on Broadway when he grows up. Andy Samberg,  who is on Saturday Night Live (SNL), is his favorite actor.

Jeb is in the 8th grade and is on the Blue Wave team. He is 13 years old and his best friends are Hanna Corder and Rebecca Dave. His favorite subject in school is language arts. Being able to hang out with friends and make new friends is his favorite part of school.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Robyn, Pro Wrestler? By Jeb

Robyn is a 6th grader on the Blue Angels team that wants to be a pro wrestler. She is 11 years old.  Her favorite thing to do is watch music videos. She also likes to watch Full House reruns. She loves to watch pro wrestling. One day, she hopes to a pro wrestler. Also, if she had a million dollars, she would keep half of it.
       Robyn is also a good student. She is making straight As. Her favorite class is social studies. This is because
it is the easiest for her. She has even made, not a 100, but a 102. Her favorite thing about school is to meet new people.

Thomas By Robyn

Thomas is a cheerleader at Red Bank Middle that doesn't plan to stop cheering any time soon because he said that if you are male cheerleader in college you get paid money. He said he got into cheering because "I was in gymnastics and there was an opening on the team and it looked fun". There is one other thing he would do with his life if he can't be a cheerleader and that is to be a lawyer.

        Thomas is an 11 year old  sixth grader at Red Bank Middle School on the Blue Angels. He gave himself the nickname Tiniqua from a sign at a Mexican hotel because he liked it. Now almost everyone calls him Tiniqua. His best friend is me. He said that I'm his best friend because I'm funny and awesome.

Benefits of Being An Athlete By Kimbra

Are you an athlete? Do you play more than just one sport? Being an athlete is different from everyone else. When you play sports, you are more balanced, since you are not just doing schoolwork and chores at home. Playing and practicing sports  is much more than the sole act of pushing your body through exhaustion or using your skills to reach your goal. There are many effects that show after you get involved in a sport, such as physical, human, and social effects. Yes, sports will affect you very deeply. Practicing a sport requires some time, so you will be entertained for a while everyday instead of watching television or surfing on the internet. By practicing a sport you’ll get the chance to travel to new places where meets are held. And that’s not all, because once you enter a higher level of competition, you may compete in national or international meets, attract sponsors, and even make a profit out of it!

The Most important effect that practicing a sport causes on your person is your social side. You will meet a lot of people when you are involved in sports, from beginners to professionals. The effects of being an athlete shape your body, your life, and your mind in good ways. Practicing a sport keeps you entertained and far away from boredom. In addition you will have the chance to experience the amazing feeling of beating all your opponents down from the quarterfinals or crossing the finish line ahead of everyone else.
For additional information you can go to

All About Ms. Heather Pinion By Alexis


Do you know who the 7th grade science teacher is from the Lion's Pride team?! If you’re curious, then here you are! This is all about Heather Pinion, the new 7th grade science teacher that just started here this year! I asked her 10 questions about herself and how she loves teaching!
She started teaching back in 2005, which was about 10 years ago. She likes teaching her students because she likes to get to know her students just a little bit better. She used to live in Georgia that is near the border of Florida. She came to Red Bank Middle School because she wanted to start over and try something new.
While in grade school, her favorite subject was English. However, in college, her favorite class was anatomy and physiology. After graduating college, she taught at Ridgeland High School, which is in Walker County, Georgia. She has always taught the subject of science.

After a few years of teaching at Ridgeland High School, she moved to Red Bank Middle School. She said that she really likes Red Bank Middle School so far!  

Officer Robards by Jeb

Protecting the school and its students; that's what the School Resource Officer (SRO) does everyday.  Our SRO’s name is Deputy Robards. He has been on the force for 6 years, but he has been an SRO since the beginning of this school year. Down below is the interview I conducted with Officer Robards.   

Q&A with Officer Robards
Q.What made you want to be a police officer?
  1. I have wanted to become a police officer ever since I  was little. I have always wanted to help people. I’m also the type of person that likes every day to be a different day instead of going in to my job knowing exactly what’s going to happen.
Q.When did you start and what was your first police officer status?
  1. I started in a jail on March 2, 2009. I was a Correctional Officer (you have be certified to do this job).
Q.What was your first case about? Was it difficult?
  1. The first case I had was a simple case. There was property damage to a house because a neighbor was mowing the lawn and rocks were thrown around.
Q.Why did you become a SRO?
  1. Its harder to get adults out of a habit than children. I found out while doing patrol that its easier to make an impact on the younger group of people.
Q.What is your daily routine as a SRO?
  1. First, I walk the halls to make sure everyone gets to their classes. Then I’ll go to the C.D.C classes and get 2 students to put up the American flag. Then when Directed Studies comes around, I try to do 2 or more prestations in different classes.  Currently, the presentations are on lockdowns and lockouts, intruder alerts, and active shooters.
Q.What is your favorite/least favorite thing to do as a SRO?
  1. My favorite thing to do is socialize with students. My least favorite thing is getting up at 5:00 am.
Q.What is your plan for this school as a SRO?

  1. My plan is overall safety for the students and the school. I want to influence all the kids in a postive way. I want to let them know how to interact with law enforcement,  and that they should not be intimidated by the police. I want to help with daily success in school. I want to let them know that this is a safe atmosphere.